Tuesday, March 25, 2014

LECTURE AND CLINIC: Basic Technical Principles/Troubleshooting The Problems Right Away

Lecture and Clinic: Basic Technical Principles/Troubleshooting The Problems Right Away

Watch bench position – Depends upon the length of their torso

Hand Position – Most natural position at all times
  • Ask: Do you want to walk around in the hallway like that all the time?
  •  Push on knuckle  while in hand position to make sure their knuckle is firm.
  •  Focus on arch
o   Open Fifths
o   Fast motion into a 6/3 or 6/4 chord
o   Where is the high point of the hand? Knuckles must be higher than the wrist.
      Making O’s with thumb and a finger 

Sing This Little Song:
Rocking, Rocking
Fingers Do The Steps
Rocking, Rocking
Fingers Do The Steps                               
Rocking, Rocking
Fingers Do The Steps                               
Now we do a circle all around.

Make sure your body backs up your wrists all the time.        

If you want to change technical problems, you have to gain the trust of the student. Start with bench first, then hand, then wrist.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your notes on this session! I am trying to work on posture & hand position with one of my beginners, and it's hard to discipline MYSELF to correct him on the position of his feet, insist upon the tall upper-body, low wrists, and "tall fingers"... I have to start with the FEET to make it all the way to correcting the flat fingers. Sometimes he really does play with his fingers totally flat. eek...

    I like that one line: "Make sure your body backs up your wrists all the time." Very nice!

    Thanks again,
